Sunday, August 23, 2009

Recording Cigar Box Guitar, new songs

My stepdaughter and I have recorded some of our songs and posted them on my website at , stop by and have a listen.

Here is how I did it, quick, easy and raw.

I borrowed a PA system and ran the guitar through one channel, the vocals through another and the kick drum and tamborine together through the third with a mic. I have this little digital recorder that I hooked up to with the phono jack output from the PA.

First we did a few test recordings and listened to them on the stereo to try and adjust the output levels from the individual channels. Once I had a pretty good mix, we sat down and started recording. I plugged the output straight into my mac book with a phono to USB cable and ran it into Garage Band. We recorded no more than 3-4 takes of each song and picked the best one.

The songs were not altered at all from that point, just transferred to iTunes and exported as and mp3's, and there it is, finished live recordings in one shot.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Cigar Box Guitar, 3 string Acoustic

I just built this guitar for a nice lady in Tennessee. She wanted a simple 3 string acoustic to give to her husband for their anniversary. This is the result, a nice clean looking, great playing guitars that the customer loves.